Bienvenidos a Nutri Sur Salud

En Nutri Sur Salud, ofrecemos servicios especializados en pediatría en la hermosa ciudad de Cusco, Perú. Nuestro equipo está comprometido con la salud y bienestar de los más pequeños.

A street scene with a person sitting on cobblestone steps, wearing a colorful, patterned traditional garment and hat. A fluffy white llama or sheep is standing next to the person. The scene is partially illuminated by sunlight, casting shadows over the steps. A sign on the adjacent wall reads 'Calle Qanchipata' and a parked car is visible on the cobblestone street alongside a stone wall.
A street scene with a person sitting on cobblestone steps, wearing a colorful, patterned traditional garment and hat. A fluffy white llama or sheep is standing next to the person. The scene is partially illuminated by sunlight, casting shadows over the steps. A sign on the adjacent wall reads 'Calle Qanchipata' and a parked car is visible on the cobblestone street alongside a stone wall.
Comprometidos con tu salud
Cuidado pediátrico integral

Nos destacamos por brindar atención médica de calidad, con un enfoque humano y profesional. Aspiramos a ser su aliado en el cuidado y desarrollo saludable de los niños en nuestra comunidad.

Galería Salud

Explora nuestros servicios de salud pediátrica en Cusco, Perú.

A teddy bear wearing a face mask is seated on a wooden surface beside a health guide chart depicting a food pyramid. Several medical items, including a stethoscope, blood pressure monitor, tablets, and an infrared thermometer, surround the teddy bear.
A teddy bear wearing a face mask is seated on a wooden surface beside a health guide chart depicting a food pyramid. Several medical items, including a stethoscope, blood pressure monitor, tablets, and an infrared thermometer, surround the teddy bear.
A woman in traditional clothing stands beside a llama on a paved path overlooking a scenic mountainous landscape with terraced fields. A child sits nearby, facing the view.
A woman in traditional clothing stands beside a llama on a paved path overlooking a scenic mountainous landscape with terraced fields. A child sits nearby, facing the view.
An old medical document from Harrow Urban District Council detailing a child's health records. The left side provides instructions for medical visits and examinations, mentioning the child's name, date of birth, and first clinic visit. The right side lists dates and weights, tracking the child's growth over time. The handwriting is faded and the paper shows signs of aging.
An old medical document from Harrow Urban District Council detailing a child's health records. The left side provides instructions for medical visits and examinations, mentioning the child's name, date of birth, and first clinic visit. The right side lists dates and weights, tracking the child's growth over time. The handwriting is faded and the paper shows signs of aging.
A child's hand and foot are partially visible under a colorful, patterned fabric. The fabric is draped over an adult's arm and leg, which are clad in garments with intricate patterns and vivid colors. The child's skin is light against the dark and colorful textiles.
A child's hand and foot are partially visible under a colorful, patterned fabric. The fabric is draped over an adult's arm and leg, which are clad in garments with intricate patterns and vivid colors. The child's skin is light against the dark and colorful textiles.


Nos encontramos en la hermosa ciudad del Cusco, Perú, ofreciendo servicios de salud pediátrica de calidad para nuestros pequeños pacientes.


Calle Queshwa 810A


Lunes a Viernes